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Growing up, I guess you can say I always wanted to "make it." I was constantly moving around my whole life, and then, as a senior in high school, I was homeless. I had a dunk that went viral my junior year at my public high school. Then I started to get some interest from prep schools for basketball. That following year, I transferred to Brimmer and May Prep school with hopes of getting a Division One scholarship and eventually going to the league. It was the start of a new journey (I did not make it to the league, lol). Going to prep school gave athletes the opportunity to receive more exposure from colleges and recruiters and play against other top-notch competition. My mind was solely on basketball, but I received other blessings far beyond my original intention for transferring.


Going to prep school changed my life. It changed my perspective. It was my first time being exposed to rich and wealthy individuals. I had friends and classmates that lived in mansions, had lake houses, it felt like I was in a whole new world. But what took my mind into another planet was getting the opportunity to travel to Europe as a Senior. Brimmer and May has an amazing program called 'Wrinthrim Trip,' where every two years there's a list of multiple countries from around the world that the students get to chose to travel in the spring. That year, the top choice was the Paris and Barcelona trip. I truthfully did not believe this was actually going to happen until about a month before the trip, and to give context, I was homeless just four months before. That trip changed my life and started my love for traveling. Getting exposure to a different society, different economic system, cultures, languages, healthcare systems, etc., before going to college and then being stuck in the 'rat race" was essential. Exposure causes expansion. After that trip, I knew life overseas was for me, and my goal was to go straight after university, and basketball was my ticket. My dreams were not only to play professional basketball overseas but to also live overseas. It was the start of a new journey.


After high school, I ended up going to a Division Three, Connecticut College for basketball, which was also a very great academic school and had an amazing dance program. Now you are probably wondering why did I just mention the dance program if I went there for basketball. It was the start of a new journey. Let me explain. It was my first college party; I was dancing, and a girl named Mawa approached me and said, "you can dance, you're dancer?" I thanked her and replied, "nah." She responded with, "you are a dancer, I am going to introduce you to my dance friend Taz." Now I was a "basketball player" who could dance, but Taz was a DANCER. From popping, locking, to all the latest hip hop moves, you name it.


We collaborated and started making dance videos which led to me wanting to perform in the dance show 'Eclipse' at the end of the school year. Unfortunately, I was not able to my freshmen year because I did not go to auditions since it was during basketball season, but my sophomore year, they let it slide. After performing, I had a feeling I never felt before. My soul felt alive; I had a passion for dancing I never knew existed. To this day, from the bottom of my heart, I can say I love to dance. During college, it was basketball first, then dance. I was locked in from day 1 of accomplishing my goal of making it overseas. After college, I got the opportunity to go to England to get my master's degree while playing basketball. I truthfully did not want to do any more schooling, but that was the 'downside' of my ticket to get overseas. I did it; it was the start of a new journey.


Being exposed to many different aspects of life opened the doors for me to explore new adventures. My love for dancing and traveling came from embarking on a new journey, two things that I can truthfully say at my core is what I love to do. I was able to play professionally in England, Germany, Malta, and Portugal. I have been able to travel to various amounts of countries, and through my experiences, I have been inspired and always wanted to give back. Moreover, I took risks, I did not want to settle, I wanted more. Which circles us back to WAMIY. Life is a journey and WE AINT MAKE IT YET. Emphasize on WE because WE are all in this life journey together and none of us have to go through it alone. I say that because there have been many individuals that have guided and assisted me on this journey. WAMIY originated at Brimmer and May prepschool, the first year after embracing on a new journey. Wearing WAMIY, you embody a lifestyle, a culture, a movement. Chase your dream, take that risk, find your purpose, have faith, have a positive mindset, and lastly, embrace your journey.  


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